Fewer clothes

The fashion and textiles industry is a system. A complex network that spans across the globe from sheep farming to landfill via catwalks and sweatshops. The whole system goal is growth. Our goal is less. Our question is; what does this future system look like with a new purpose?

Fewer clothes need not mean less joy.

Evidence: The future is here…

Fewer fashion library

Access an ever growing library of evidence for how the shift to fewer fashion is taking shape. From new products and services to policy programs and social movements.


It is incumbent on any fashion business to engage in the prospect of selling less. A heady mix of brand perception, consumer demand, regulatory pressure, supply challenges and competition demands you engage.

We are here to hold you feet to the fire.


The ecological imperative requires a sector wide approach. Brands cannot move on their own. As the challenge is infrastructural and systemic there must be action at this level and someone has to convene the conversation.

We can make the responsibility a reality.


Garments are bought, worn and disposed of somewhere. Places have a key role in enabling new cultures and infrastructures. From retail centres to cities the fashion system is located and places can facilitate a new model.

We can put fashion on a new map.

Fewer fashion accelerator

We facilitate SME fashion brands to develop and implement resale, repair and rental services that enable them to create more value from fewer garments.

How it works

Our accelerator takes a cohort of leaders and entrepreneurs from SME brands to explore, design and prove a repair, resale or rental model for their businesses.


Explore the pros and cons of repair, resale and rental models for your brand, business and customers. Pick one.


Design the specifics on how the model you pick will work for you. Connect with experts and enablers.


Pilot your model in the wild with your customers to learn, prove and improve. Rinse and repeat.


Once your model is proven go live with experienced partners and support. More with less.

  • The output of the textile industry has doubled in the last 15 years to reach 100 billion units per year.


Fashion system interventions

  • Materials

    Fashion can move towards lower impact materials that afford a more circular economy of long-life, repair and re-manufacture.

  • Processes

    Fashion can move to processes that care for materials and garments, extend their life and return them for remanufacture. Repair, re-sale and rental can enable more value to be created from fewer garments.

  • Design

    Fashion can move to a new structure and regulatory framework where producers are responsible for the whole lifecycle of their products.

  • Intent

    Fashion as a concept can change the paradigm of what is desirable and sufficient from clothing without losing the joy.

Contact us.

(555) 555-5555

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345